The Bright Side

***Warning…long post ahead***

I’ve been trying to figure out how to write this post for over a week.  So here goes…

As you may know I’ve been having an issue with my right knee and left foot on my longer distance runs.  I started taking Elations once a day to try to help repair my joints and icing right after.  Icing has helped a lot, but overall I’m still in pain.  :(  Maybe I haven’t given it a chance to build up and start working but it’s not helping quite yet? 

Sunrise Runner by casual clicks.

In an effort to prevent future injuries, I have readjusted a few goals.  I will not be focusing on training for the half marathon in February.  While I am not very excited about this it right now, I know I would be really devastated if I couldn’t run at all. 

I am still running 2-3 miles every other day and have also been focusing on speed work a few days as well.

Moving forward, I have a few new goals that I am very excited about!  I will be focusing on 5K races (since short distances don’t bother me at all).  As of this April I will be in a new age bracket, therefore I will be the youngest in my class.  Why not use that to my advantage?  (Oh and if you haven’t figured out that I’m a little on the competitive side yet, well it’s true!  All friendly though!)  ;) 

I already know I can run the 5K, no problems, but why not perfect it & make it faster?!

Also my husband and I would like to travel more often, so this gives us a reason to explore more!  Besides I will be done within 30 minutes and a 5K won’t leave me tired the rest of the day!  See, there really is a bright side to everything, you just have look!

I do have a few races to look forward to over the next month~

The Race Against Hunger on Thanksgiving Day!


If your a runner, where do you find local races?  I’ve been going to but I’ve also found a few on too.  Please share, I’m sure others might be interested too.


I set out to do just a 1 mile run as hard as I could on Friday.  Here are my splits per quarter mile:

  • 1:47
  • 2:06
  • 2:07
  • 1:58

Total time: 7:58

Today I did the same thing.

  • 1:46
  • 1:58
  • 1:56
  • 1:52

Total time: 7:42

I don’t have a specific goal time that I’d like to be under yet, but after a few weeks of speed work, I think I might have a ballpark number.

Have you ever struggled with a similar problem?  How did you overcome it?  Did you find a happy medium?

If your still reading, bless your little heart!

Because I don’t give up, I find another way around it!!!

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