All freaking smiles & giveaway winner

If you follow me on Instagram then you probably already know that this pretty lady is one of my favorite IG friends ever.  She is so uplifting and inspiring I can’t even handle it.  She is currently training to run for 24 hours straight on a treadmill in San Francisco next month.  Yeah little miss crazy pants indeed!  My point in telling you this besides the obvious coolness factor is that I love her #allfreakingsmiles hash tag, so I jacked it.

Anyway, welcome to my new riding/running digs!


I finally had the chance to kick off my first training ride for the Mermaid Duathlon on the Coastal Recreation Trail or Rec Trail as the locals call it, but I don’t feel like one quite yet. 

I started in Seaside and rode south to Monterey.


Through Fisherman’s Warf.




I stopped to check out a couple cars that will be at the Concourse d’Elegance Pebble Beach this weekend.  Despite my begging Mike vetoed my idea of attending.  He said something about selling all of our worldly belongings & Bam not having a job.  Winking smile


Anyway I made my way to Cannery Row and then to Lovers Point in Pacific Grove.


I did 10 easy miles with a big goofy smile on my mug the entire time. 


I couldn’t help but think about how lucky and thankful I am to be able to live the life I have.  I never ever take it for granted and tell Mike how thankful I am for him and everything we have all of the time. 

Overall I am pretty darn happy with life right now.  I think some of us, including myself want to live a content and happy life, but struggle to embrace our surroundings and appreciate the things we already have.  Maybe I’m easy to please, but I’ll never loose my passion for being thankful for the simple things.


Sometimes I feel a little bad about having a positive, happy life.  Since when did happiness become so cliché?  Don’t get me wrong, it’s not always sugary sweet with rainbows and unicorns shooting out ma butt.  We have rough spots like everyone else.  Heck, sometimes the thought of sending Mike to an adult daycare has crossed my mind.  And he tells his buddies “she’s like the tea cups at Disneyland, she looks like a fun ride, but she will make you sick.”  Ha I can’t even lie, sometimes it’s true!

Sarah pointed out the other day that blogging is often times, one dimensional and girlfren speaks the truth.  I don’t always showcase everything that’s going on in my life because I consider myself a positive person and strive to always see the positive in every situation.  I do try my best to keep it real around here even when things get a little rough.  Cough**the move**cough.       

Holy crap since when did SCB become so girly?  Don’t you worry, I’ll be back with something sarcastic to say tomorrow.


The winner of the Heart And Sole 26.2 giveaway is  JB!! 

Heart And Sole 26.2 book review   giveaway   Skinny Chick Blog

Email me your info at skinnychickblog @ gmail dot com

Thank you everyone for leaving valuable advise & entering!  I’ll have anther giveaway soon.


Categories: Uncategorized | 11 Comments

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11 thoughts on “All freaking smiles & giveaway winner

  1. Holy freaking cow! SO GORGEOUS! You are so so lucky that you get to live in such a beautiful place, and it is great to see you are so appreciative of it and so positive about it!

    Good luck on training! I love this time of year as it seems like we are all training for something together, keeps me motivated! 🙂

  2. I’m digging that scenery, gorgeous! I think its easy sometimes for people to forget the good and dwell on the bad, but that takes its toll and stresses people out. If we focus on the good, I think we’d have more good in our lives. Whoa, that was deep.. 😉

  3. And that’s totally ok! It’s okay to be happy and it doesn’t mean you’re any “better” than someone who is going through a rough patch. That’s just where you are right now. I feel the same, happy, content, and very appreciative of the little things in life. Happy I can run, happy I can cook, happy I have a career I love. PS Your run looks gorgeous!

  4. Emz is da bomb. And so are you. And Bam.

    Dude, your new town looks amaaazing. Seriously, when will my bedroom be ready? I’m actually not joking at all!

  5. thanks for the shoutout, homie.

    just like success, don’t hide your happiness/contentedness/joy just because someone else isn’t.

  6. lovingontherun

    I really am jealous of your scenery! It looks amazing! I often complain about where I live – and after seeing where you life I am so jealous, but if we step back and enjoy the nature around us and what God has made.

  7. It is gorgeous there – loved all of your pictures!!!
    I don’t think there is anything wrong with being positive and happy on your blog – I try to be that way the majority of the time on my blog because that is how I am in real life!!!

  8. I’ve heard before that writing about happy things and reading about happy things, makes you a happy person. I know I enjoy blogs that are fun and happy, but that are also real. We all have our off days and it’s up to us whether or not to showcase em on the blog.

    Looks like it’s a beautiful couple days down in Monterey! Hopefully it’ll be like that when I go down next weekend 🙂

  9. You have got to love running with that scenery…no wonder you had such a smile on your face!!!

  10. Emily

    Sometimes you just have to be super girly in life and put the sarcasm on hold for a moment. It’s also great to just reflect and put things into perspective. Everyone has bad days, rough patches, and times they think ‘What If’…’s normal. Just remember how lucky you are to be loved and live in a gorgeous place! 🙂

  11. I’m with you…I am so thankful for everything I have and I always see the glass as 1/2 full! Love your new scenery

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