Posts Tagged With: good times

The Stars Aligned 4 Me

I always run by myself.  It’s my time to reflect, think or zone out.  Today was different.   I asked Alisa if she wanted to ride her bike while I ran.

I had her ride ahead of me for safety and as my pacer.  😉

I’m pretty competitive, but with that said, I generally *think* I’m pushing myself, but I never really knew for sure since there’s no one for me to compare myself to.

I guess the stars aligned for me today or something!  🙂

My personal record for a 5K while racing is 26:00, but my fastest ever was 25:43, until today!



I think it’s amazing how my body can do so much more than I think it can.  Boy, this was very hard.  I did stop twice.  Once for water and another to catch my breath since my little heart couldn’t keep up, but even if I didn’t, I would have still beat my P.R.

So the next time you think your body can’t, push yourself just a little harder and see what happens.  You might surprise yourself too!

This is the first time I have been truly happy since I lost my little buddy.  🙂

Have you ever had an experience like this?

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